Sunday 11 March 2012

Malaysia States Championship Report : pokeboy11

This is my first time writing a report and not getting the chance to take notes of the matches i had, please bear with me if my report is short and not detailed >.<

Deck : VVV

So here i go

Game 1:
Guy : Tyram
He opens a lone cyndaquil while i open up to a single vannilite and a benched oddish, i called heads and i went first, collector-ed out a few more pokemon and ended my turn, on his first's turn he com's out a smeargle and send it to the active spot, retreating his cyndaquil, protrait a N from my hand and we both shuffles our hands back to the deck, from his expression i would guess he didnt get anything useful, but on my side i had a elm's and a rare candy, which then allowed me to do a turn-2-vileplume, which means more trouble to the bad start he already had, after a few turns i set up  my vanniluxe and cleared the match quick due to weakness advantage.


Game 2
Guy : Durant
He opened a durant i open a vannilite, terrified of the durant hitting my vannilite for weakness i quickly retreated my vanniluxe and send out a cleffa for a eeeek after i collector-ed a few pokemon, he collector-ed for 2 more durants only, the last one i suppose in prize, i had a turn 2 vileplume again and send out a alr evolved vannilish with 1 rescue energy, looking from the way he didnt realise he could hit me for weakness, and ended my turn, on his turn he collector-ed for another pokemon which puzzles me, did he forget to collector a rotom on the first turn's collector? But no, he called for a Cobalion... i nearly screamed, but calms myself down after realising he needs a few turns to charge up that cobalion.. As thick as a metal pokemon can get, he knocks out my active vanniluxe with a iron break after armouring his cobalion with 3 special metal energies... which means i'll have to roll 2 heads to deal decent damage to him, or else im just dealing 10 damage or none.. it was a slow match but he got locked down the whole time, which was safe for me and i sealed the second game....


Game 3
Aaron Minjoot - ZEel/zapdos/mewtwo ex
He opens up a 40 hp tynamo with 2 other pokemon benched while i opened up a lonely pichu :( i went first  but played no supporters or trainers, i did a playgound and called out the usual pokemon, while keeping the poker face on with a poke coms and a rare candy in my hand. I had a good start and took the first prize compared to the usual twins-all-the-way. And the game went through with my ice cream freezing all the way for prizes.


Game 4
Guy : ZEel
Had a bad start, collectors for 2 oddish but the deck didnt seemed to allow me to get close to a single rare candy or any source to get vileplume after that, probably one of the worst games this swiss. Managed to set up a vannilish and freeze for a turn while he didnt have switch in his hand, which i then drew a twins the following turn he was frozen and set up a vileplume, by then he already had 2 Eels set up, a charged up zekrom EX and 3 prize lead. I set up a vanniluxe and started the freezing, but he set up a mewtwo EX with enough energies to one hit my stage 2 vanniluxe and finished the game after soon.


Game 5
Guy : ZEel, <i suppose, since he started with a tynamo>
I opened a lonely cleffa while he opened a free Retreat tynamo, he started first and collector-ed for a mewtwo EX.... i asked him if he had a Double colourless enegy... Well he did have it in his hand which he then flashed  in front of my eyes... i almost cried... DONKEDDDD yea thats what happened...


Game 6
Guy : ZEel < one of the most lucky win i had in my life >
Lets just cut to the climax of the game, he had 2 Eels set up with charged up attackers while i only had a vileplume, victini, 2 vannilite, cleffa and a vanniluxe in the active which was gonna get one hit his Zekrom EX, he went for the kill, i send out my cleffa and we were down to one prizes left each, my hand was stucked with pokemon communications and rare candy. i EEK-ed, praying for the cleffa to sleep, and to get the stage 1 vannilish to come to my hand so that i could at least freeze him and put myself in a better position, it didnt came out till the third eeek.... well at least the cleffa slept and woke up at the right time.. i froze the zekrom EX for 3 more turns with my vannilish with only 2 rolls per turn, 2 tails and i'm gone from the game. A total of 6 turns of stalling, LOLLLL. Luck was definately on my side that game, after experiencing all the 4 tails in a row..... I drew a stage 2 vanniluxe and had continued freezing the Zekrom EX to death and cleared the game.


After the swiss, my resistance was somehow up there and i made it to the top 8. which then i battled the 2nd placed 'certain someone', wasnt a very enjoyable 3 rounds with him though, i lost, but i did all i could T_T

Guy : CMT
CMT was one of the decks i never ever won. It was too fast, too consistant and too expensive for me to play.

Game 1 < WIN >
He had his pokemon set up very quickly while i had a turn 2 vileplume yet again, freezed his Mewtwo with a vannilish and set up all the vanniluxe i could , ignoring all his wails and complains bout his deck not responding to him. Cleared the match like an ice cream man

Game 2 < LOSE >
I had a usual start while he choose to go first and killed active vannilite T_T lucky i placed down a victini to avoid the donk, < i mean, without vileplume up u would'nt bench a victini right? LOL>. Collector-ed for the usual 2 oddish and one more pokemon depending on situation. but he had the CMT cycle running and killing every single thing i put out. And i lost...

Game 3 <LOSE>
I had a not bad start and a turn 3 vileplume, which was kinda lucky already since he rape the other 2 of my oddish, ignoring my vanniluxe. but since the vileplume is already set up i begin freezing, but he already had a 3 prize lead and i haven even took a single prize. After a few prize exchange with him one hitting my vanniluxe he cleared all his prizes, while i still have 2 more to go. Shooked his hand for giving my a tough match. well, at least he stopped complaining. lol.

In the end i was placed 8th. Top cut ah!
These are the following top 7 decks who made it to the top cut:
1st place : Xavier chua < CMT >
2nd place : Wayne chua < ZEel >
3rd place : Lawrance < CMT >
4th place : Febri Azian < ZEel > <--- our very own writer Lockerkey
5th place : Cliffton goh < CMT >
6th place : Edmund tan < ZEel >
7th place : Adwin lim < durant >

coming sunday is the singapore states championship, will update more on that after the event.
signing off

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