Thursday 28 June 2012

Sableye : Dark Explorers Card analysis

No more junk arms? Tried hunting?
This card is no stranger in the format. It is almost like a staple in any dark deck especially the infamous 'Hammer time'. 

It has 70 HP, no weakness and resistance. The no weakness is good but the no resistance hurts this card by abit. Since the usual sableye will have a -20 resistance to normal types.
'See hand' 
It's first attack, confuse ray, for colourless, does 10 damage plus a coin flip to determine if it is confused. In the Hgss on format, this does have some use, where players try to confuse the opponent's smeargle in T1 to prevent the Portrait. In Bw-on attack, it is just a mediocre attack.

BlendEnergyGFPDDragonBlast50.jpgIt's second attack is what makes this card worth playing in decks. For a darkness energy, you can take 2 trainers from the discard pile. This is similar to junk arm, but at the cost of 1 attack. I feel that this card can easily be teched into decks that are playing prism and the up coming blend energy.

Blend energy has the same effect as rainbow energy except for the limited choice of Fire, Darkness, Psychic and Grass. 

Sableye could also be used as a started in the bw-on format with the absense of babies and smeargles ( though the upcoming emolga could be a starter, we'll leave that to next time)

Sableye can support decks which uses alot of trainers for example: 
-Hammer time (abusing the hammers)
-Quad decks (where there is too much space)
-Eelektrik variants ( Catchers,level balls)
-Any decks that utilizes the darkness,prism or blend energy

Overall, I find Sableye to be a useful pokemon in the bw-on format and should be considered in decks other than dark decks. The ability of taking 2 trainers from the discard can be game changing though there are some pros and cons to it (go figure it out). It could be a staple who knows.

and we've come to the end of another card analysis! Thanks for reading and do continue visiting us for more articles, analysis and updates! 

Once again our thank you card
Thanks for reading!


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