Tuesday 13 September 2011

Upcoming event update!

So to start a brand new league season, our very first event will be the intergym competition which will be held on saturday (24/9/11)  at E2Max Cathay Cineleisure.
Tournament will start at 3PM

This is a tournament where the gym leader and the member of his gym form a group with 3 people in it and go against other gyms. This is how the game goes:

Each player will play their individual game.Nothing special here
but before playing the game each team will need to pick where to sit for example, Left,Right or Middle.
So when playing, their opponent will be the one sitting opposite them. This means
Left vs Right
Middle vs Middle
Right vs Left

So to sum things up, we hope everyone can come down to support your own gym even though if you're not playing. Just come down and see how your fellow gym member do . So all the best to everyone!Cheers!


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