Heyo guys. This is Vincentea. This is an overdue Singapore regionals report.
Deck choice : 6 corner big basic
Deck list
3 | Landorus EX (BC 144) | ||
| 2 | Mewtwo EX (BWP 45) | |
| 2 | Tornadus EX (DE 108) | |
| 1 | Zekrom (BW 114) | |
| 2 | Bouffalant (DR 110) | |
| 1 | Keldeo EX (BC 142) | |
| 1 | Sigilyph (DR 52) | |
| 1 | Cobalion EX (PS 133) | |
13 |
| 4 | Blend Energy WLFM (DR 118) | |||||
| 4 | Double Colorless Energy (ND 92) | |||||
| 4 | Prism Energy (ND 93) | |||||
| 1 | Fighting Energy (BW 110) |
Why Sigilphy?
To me it is always a good card to put opponent into situation, i feel that i will run into rayeels somehow some sort. And this gives my deck a 7th prize choice.
In this format 7 prize is important, especially for big basic, my humble theory of it is, only set up 2 ex and 1 nonex. unless u are super confident u gonna take opponent down. DO NOT set up 3 ex and 1 non ex.
Bench ur 3rd ex until one of ur ex or non ex is being knocked out. This will make opponent down to 1 prize card and you can buy some time by N-ing him to One.
Why Cobalion?
I am predicting lots of DCE flying around tornadus, lugia, etc. its auto discard special energy made it super strong and its damage of 30 makes it a donk pokemon.
Why zekrom?
I could scramble and take down tornadus. unless i face a ho-oh deck, there is not much ways opponent can charge up another tornadus ex.
Why keldeo?
Landorus, and free switch.
Why full heal?
No doubt the best card in format for me. Won me a few games. if ur pokemon is being posion, u have to switch + retreat/switch for the charged up pokemon. full heal saves the trouble.
Am i afraid of cobalion ex/enhance hammer?
Yes. current format, only darkrai plays enhanced hammer. but my stand in "just dont think so much"
Game 1 I face against my gym leader. Shing.
Started off well with tornadus doing 60+ poison. 90 on his mewtwo. He set up boufollant x 2. while i set up cobalion ex. To naked all his DCE. his repeated drawing of DCE took down my cobalion. Late game he SSU twice heads, and i ran out of range.
0-1 *poor luck*
Game 2 An unknown kid.
before he starts, he pre-set his deck in front of me. thinking i am a noob, so i slice his deck 3-4 times to frustrate him. He drew quite dead intitially. Some how some sort, he set up blastoise, with no hand card. and drew a cilan. god damn it.
0-2 Lost to 2 prize
Game 3 Jasper
Most people asked me to scope because there is no way i can made it to top cut. So after my lunch break, i feel exceptionally good. And i should be the last guy he should face. he started with kling, and i started with cobalion ex with laser, and skyla. for virbank. so its my first ever donk.
1-2 *donking really happens*
Game 4 Rayeels : no idea who
Started 2nd, he set up 2 tynamo, 1 ray. I set up 3 landy. nothing else. just repeatedly catcher tynamo, ko, finally finish off the ray for a 0-6 game.
2-2* whoa*
Game 5 Kenneth.
This dude seems new but he is playing a Big basic deck. both started with mewtwo and i set up 1 more mewtwo at the back as there are 2 dce in my hand. so i inititated the mewtwo war without fear. it was down to a 0-2 prize.
3-2 *went hot*
Game 6 Dao Qiu
Have no idea what deck he plays as i dont really scout players. so he started off landy, stunkfisk. We exchanged a few attacked, he revive landy. and bench another stunkfish, so he is against my 7 prize while i am going for 6th prize. tornadus and giant cape saves the day.
4-2 *
Game 7 Jake
jake is one of the oldest eels player around. He is a author of flipordie.wordpress.com. A very awesome and good player.
Started with 2 bull, hit 120 ray. He probably saw my landy as a huge threat that he set up 4 tynamo, 1 emolga, and 1 ray, leaving no space for another ray ex, or ray. I took down the ray ex with bull. and equipped it with giant cape. to make it 120 HP with ability so ray ex need 3 energy to take down it.
After seeing him dropped the normal rayquaza to his discard.
i dropped a sigiliph. he catcher-ed one of my heavy retreat pokemon. and i N-ed me to 1 card. i top deck a switch to win the game with mewtwo*?
5-2 * got a free promo box : cobalion , terrakion virizon and pulled a reshiram full art*dafuq*
got 22th because of low resistance. but well its a 5-2 afterall.
Okay thats all folks. cya next time, vincent the hammer thor.
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