Tuesday 11 September 2012

Im back!(once again)

Hey guys, Sorry for the long hiatus. We've been really busy with exams and more exams. Since almost all of us are students, we have to make time for our studies as well. Good news is I'm finally done with my Poly(college) days! Now I'm waiting for my attachment and start 'working' like an adult. OK enough of my stories. While we were away, this are some of the things that had happened.


- Dragons Exalted(DRX) is out and is legal
-New scans and images of the new upcoming Japanese sets (sources from Pokebeach)
-Battle roads announcements (Details)

Also lately I've been busy with my Pokemon White 2! Sad thing is im playing it in Jap, nevertheless I managed to finish the game once. Here's a peek at my team. Not really a competitive player :>

I have also been experimenting with FRAPS. For those who are unaware of this, this is actually a software which can record my desktop or in other words,games. This means that I'll soon be able to record my matches from Playtcg and upload it here. Hopefully I'll be able to master it soon.

Lastly,stay tune for some new articles this upcoming week! I'll post a new article on an interesting rogue deck that I encountered with this week.

See ya soon!

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