Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Deck idea for this format

Since i have some spare time while waiting for the Cities;Lion Edition videos to be uploaded, i'll do a deck analysis.

So this deck is not really new to some people in fact i think some are quite familiar with it. So what deck am i talking about?

Get it? Lost+Car+rio? Lostcario?
Yes you im not bluffing Lost Cario

What is a LostCario?
Its a toolbox deck that helps you to deal with different kind of situations. This deck main attackers are the 3 cards listed above.

Why is this deck legit?
This deck faced problems last format due to the abundance of lostgar users. Playing this deck against a lostgar is like suicide. You're just helping the opponent to win. 

But in this format, as you can see, there are close to no lostgar players as it is very hard to be playing that kind of deck in this fast format.
Further more, With the inclusion of Mew prime, Absol prime and Lucario COL, this deck is able to hit the weakness of the metagame at this moment. Hint : Everywhere you go,you'll see only yellow cards.

Yeap with magnezeel running rampant, lucario is the best card to have to hit for weakness. All you have to do is to have 2 pokemon in the lost zone, and lucario can OHKO all pokemon in a typical magnezeel deck.

With mew prime, this deck also gains flexibiliy and versatiliy. With the ability to use pokemon in the lost zone's attack. 

Absol prime is also a good starter to begin with. This helps to give early spread damage and helps to deal high early damage while sending pokemons to the lost zone.  This also help with the chandelure match ups.

Skeleton decklist? 
4-3 Lucario Col
4 Mew Prime
3 Absol Prime
2 Relicanth
4x Pokemon Collector
3x Pokemon Comms
3x Pokemon Catcher
8/9 x Draw supporters
3x Junk Arm
3x Rocky Helmet
2x Switch
4x Dce
3x Rescue Energy
4x Darkness energy

The energies depends on the pokemon techs that you play. Techs which you want them to be in the lost zone like ;

Future of this deck
With the upcoming release of Next Destinies,2012 IS the end of the Pokemon world with strong and heavy hp-ed Exes. Expect the format to be fillled with them

some cards that would benefit this deck are:
Skynarrow Bridge: Easy retreat for the absols and relicanths

Level ball : able to search out for any pokemon in this deck. Hp90 or lower.

Some of the Exes which can be abused with mew prime.
With the format being filled with Mewtwo Ex and Zekrom Ex, what should you do? Use LostCario to counter them!
Lucario does not have a damage cap, so it can easily OHKO a Zekrom Ex
and as for mew, it can possibly see off a cinccino to use it to OHKO a mewtwo EX.

So i guess thats all for this week's update. thanks for reading the article and expect to see the battle video uploaded onto this website sometime this week. Sorry it took so long >.<

Have fun with this deck and till our next article! Leave comments or suggestion either at our tagbox or on the article itself. CHeers!


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