First of all, sorry for the late pre-release report due to school commitments and stuff.
Okay, i went saturday pre-lease at Bukit Batok(Singapore). Everyone was pretty excited about the new booster. We predicted the draft will go be manual energy attachment and ex-domination.
Before opening my 6 boosters, i was praying hard for registeel ex FA because i need it for the up coming deck i have been forming and testing. And by pulling it, i could save some money!
To my surprise, I did actually pulled a registeel ex and 1 hydregion.
In this draft, some core cards are required to make your deck consistent or slight advantage,
If you start with emogla you can simply call your ex-es or support pokemon.
Stunfisk can easily deal 20+ 20 damage with 1 energy
Bouffalant can deal 120 damage to ex-es.
Giratina can shear 90 damage and whack through sigilyph.
I did a steel and fighting pokemon with registeel ex, emogla, throh, 2 durant, 2 yanma. I dont have a single 1-1 line pokemon so i had to stick to my registeel ex as finisher.
First game i had a 1-4 prize lead because my registeel ex knocked out 3 of his 60 Hp pokemon. However the giratina ex FA he had knocked out my registeel ex, and i knew i can't recover from the knocking out of my ex. =(
the rest of the 4 games i won easily due to starting with emgola twice and using throh to knocked out opponents 1 pokemon.
My another 2 booster as prize pulled a giratina nfa and 1 more hydregion. whaoooooo.
general comments about this series - I personally feel that i wouldn't whack so much booster as there are not much useful pokemons and there are no supporters =(. Probably i will buy singles to save up for blastoise =)
ex-es are good, but bouffalant is my best card in format. the trainers wise, tool scrapper open up options because eviolite has been "annyoing " to most because zekrom 130 with eviolite is a tough nut to crack.
okay folks, time to sign off from here. train hard for BW on!
Vincent the creative thor.
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