In this post, we will discuss about BW on format. As everyone knows in this format we will lose alot of great cards such as junk arm, professor oak new theory, dual ball and etc.
I personally feel that BW will be more luck dependent as the loss of junk arm caused the decrease in stability.
In my previous Singapore nationals deck, i played hammer time + tech deck.
Dark hammer Thor deck
3 darkrai ex3 sableye2 tornadus ex1 shaymin1 smeargle1 m22 terrakionenergy9 dark 3 fighting
supporter4 junip,1 N, 2 Oak
Item2 RR3 Junk arm 4 hammer 2 lost removal3 ultra ball4 darkpatch1 switch1 SSU3 catcher 1 energy search1 dark claw 2 eviolite
Without junk arm, i have to increase the count of ultra ball, switch, energy search and random reciever.
This how junk arm dependent dark deck is. Is all about making full use of resources before juniper/oak/N.
Many decks are also dual dependent, i supposed CMT(no more celebi thought), eels -> dual ball. for fast call out 2 basic.
There ain't many solutions to this 2 useful card.
Solution to junk arm(flippy)
Pros - any card (supporter,trainer,items)
Cons - Flippy.
Other than being flippy there is nothing much u can complaint about this card.
Another solution is sableye
However it waste an attack. And the HP is quite low. probably tag with hammer time where u strip ur opponents energy away.
For dual ball,
there is not much trainers to replace. Unless pokemon such as lapars
which could call 2 baisc out and attach to bench, however, this pokemon has no evolution. so practically it is used for calling basic out =(.
Okay folks thats all for today!
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