Thursday 16 February 2012

Its been awhile yo!

Hey dear readers been awhile since I last updated the blog. Me and the other writers were just too busy with our personal lives. Kay so a quick breakdown on what had happened recently.

  1. Next Destinies pack has been officially released and can be bought at comics connection or your local game stores.
  2. Price of Mewtwo EX is high like nobody's problem
  3. I just opened a facebook group ' Pokemon Mart SG' If you want to sell your cards or is looking for cards, join the group~
  4. We have a new member to our blog and that person is Pokeboy11. He is in-charge of all the crazy rouge deck ideas. 

Some of the upcoming events are :

19/2 : Doubles tournament @ gameshaven (require 2 people in 1 team)/ Unsanctioned
18/3 : Singapore Pokemon States Championship (Sanctioned tournament)
10-11/3 : Malaysia Pokemon States Championship (Sanctioned tournament)/ Not held in Singapore

So clear up those dates on your calender~

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