Like a bigger version of the card 'Super rod', 'Flowershop lady' allows the user to shuffle back any 3 pokemon AND basic energy cards from the discard pile back to the deck, and if your discard pile has met the requirments of 3 pokemon and energy, u HAVE to shuffle all 6 of them back.

Comparing Flowershop Lady and Super Rod
Flowershop lady allows u to shuffle back MORE cards then the train card Super Rod, but it's a supporter, and the old rule follows, only one supporter per turn, while Super Rod is a trainer card, which means you're allowed to spam it, have 4 in your hand? just use em' all! But given a scenario when u really need a certain pokemon, be it a evolution card or a basic pokemon, or u really need that one more Energy, but they're in your discard pile, and u have Super Rod in your hand... SUPER ROD! And u still can use supporter cards like 'Pokemon Collectors' or 'Cilan' to get those cards straight to your hand, and for Evolution cards, 'Pokemon communication' or 'Professor Elm's Training Method'! But against Decks with the Trainerlocking Vileplume, or MILLING decks like durant, Flowershop Lady > Super Rod. Very situational. But for myself, so far playing with Super Rod and Flowershop lady, i would say Flowershop Lady saved me more then Super Rod do. As i do have that one more turn to spare, somehow someway.....
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