Saturday 20 August 2011

COTD: Potion

After coming from a long way,
As You guys already know that potion has been changed after the release of Black and White. Now potion heals 30 damage instead of normal 20 . This has make a leap and potion is now seen in some decks. Potion is a great card for tank decks like tyranitar and steelix . Basically for high hp pokemon such as Wailord tm with a whooping hp of 180hp. 

Potion vs MooMoo milk.
MooMoo milk effect is to flip 2 coins and for each heads, heal 30 to 1 of your pokemon. if you are lucky enough You heal 60 damage. there is a possible chance of flipping all tails. Tanks decks abuse this card for healing before the change in potion. 
But Now it has been a debate for which card is better. i personally feel that potion is the way to go as i do not trust in flipping. But it is really up to the players choice. 


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