Arcanine HGSS.
Hp is standard for a stage 1 card.
Artwork goes 8/10 ( i love the flame behind and the firestone)
first attack for a fire and colorless does 50 damage . Quite reasonable .
But for the second attack 4 energy for 90. That is bad.
Why is arcanine not being played? The meta now is now speed. Arcanine is hard to set-up
because it is an evolution compared to now which is mostly basic like reshiram and zekrom.
Playable goes 3/10. there are better cards to play.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Victory Road Event Report!
Total Players : 20 Format: Best 2 of 3, Single Elimination
Metagame: Zekrom Variant, Megazord
The report will be more on the event itself so details about our matches or decks will be very minimal
Lockerkey's Deck : ZPS/Yanmega
TheAce's Deck : His own version of TyRam
So basically we started around 3.30 with 20 players. To start things off, for the first round,12 players got a bye(this means that they get a R1 win and do not have to play for that round)
Only 4 pairs(8players) are needed to play that round.
As the 8 were busy with their matches,everyone was around observing their potential opponent's decks.
At the end of Round 1, sadly 4 players had to be eliminated. Total player is now 16
Round 2, 16 players
Me and TheAce managed to pass through Round 2. This means that we are both in the Top 8. Winning the next round would getting the Elite 4 status.
Round 3, 8 players
Sadly both of us lost this round and were both eliminated :(
on my part, it was a really close game but still very sad :((
so at the end of round 3 there will only be 4 players and the 4 players will be the first Elite 4.
Round 4 and 5 is just to determine the top 4 placings.
Friday, 26 August 2011
To start off today's post....
and the best part is, i studied for my exams so it felt like im using a Luxchomp against all the theme decks
Anyways... Since i've been spending my time studying and mugging for my papers, i didnt manage to form my deck for victory roads..
Right now im scrambling for ideas on what deck i should run tomorrow @.@
i have a few lists on my mind and they are..... hehe you think im gonna tell yall
Lets get to the point..
Lets introduce our THIRD WRITER for this blog and he/she is ....... dɥɐитσɯ z
For now he/she prefer to remain anonymous and chances are you will never expect who he/she is!
Maybe in the future, you readers might know who dɥɐитσɯ z is.. hehe
And before i end this post, our view counter is almost reaching 1000 views!
hope to see everyone at E2MAX Cineleisure tomorrow for the victory road event!
to those participating, ALL THE BEST!
Lets not kill the Indian Elephants kay~
and the best part is, i studied for my exams so it felt like im using a Luxchomp against all the theme decks
Anyways... Since i've been spending my time studying and mugging for my papers, i didnt manage to form my deck for victory roads..
Right now im scrambling for ideas on what deck i should run tomorrow @.@
i have a few lists on my mind and they are..... hehe you think im gonna tell yall
Lets get to the point..
Lets introduce our THIRD WRITER for this blog and he/she is ....... dɥɐитσɯ z
For now he/she prefer to remain anonymous and chances are you will never expect who he/she is!
Maybe in the future, you readers might know who dɥɐитσɯ z is.. hehe
And before i end this post, our view counter is almost reaching 1000 views!
hope to see everyone at E2MAX Cineleisure tomorrow for the victory road event!
to those participating, ALL THE BEST!
Lets not kill the Indian Elephants kay~
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Ross Cawthon's World #2 Rogue Deck Analysis
Note from TheAce and Lockerkey:
As we are tied up with our examinations this week, we currently do not have much time on our hands to update this blog. Fortunately, we have with us here a guest writer. dɥɐитσɯ z will periodically come in and write about the card game with us to supplement our writer base. Here is the inaugural piece, a simple deck analysis on Ross Cawthon's rogue deck which placed 2nd at Worlds. Enjoy.
Bold. Insane. Audacious. Mosaic. Baroque. These are just a few adjectives used by the masses to describe Ross Cawthon's Opus Dei. Like rogues decks in the past which have tasted the sweet and elusive taste of unheralded success, Ross' rogue deck attracted whispers and scattered rumours during and after Worlds. Rumours spread of the cards used in the deck included those which details are recondite knowledge to the typical player, such as Suicune-Entei LEGEND. Rumours spread of the multiple lines of seemingly randomly thrown about Pokemon like Donphan Prime alongside Reuniclus hints at deck configuration of Byzantine complexity. Rumours, rumours floating everywhere. Near playing tables, at leagues, and especially in bulletin boards across the W.W.W.
The deck which propelled Ross Cawthon's status from "great player who qualifies for Worlds every year" to "World #2, that rogue maestro" seems like an ode to entropy. The apparently last-minute addition of the Tropical Beach Promo 2011 was just that droplet of Chemical X that sent the chaotic hype that was already surrounding his deck to stratospheric levels. The search for the exact decklist he used was akin to that for a rare book or a treasure map, rife with speculation and tall tales. The decklist was eventually leaked, much to the delight of potential netdeckers everywhere.
Here is the list:
deck analysis
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Victory Road Postponed?
As we all know due to the Presidential Election next week, our Victory Road event, will be postponed to the next day.
So instead of27/08/11, the new date will be on Sunday 28/08/11 ITS BACK ON 27/08/11
I dont think there are any changes to the Venue and Timing. So just stick to them :)
Good news, Cards from Emerging Powers can be used!
Happy Catching pokemons on that day.
The top 4 will also be getting this year world's promo ; Tropical Beach (still to be confirmed.)
To those that will be participating the event, we have exactly 1 week to prepare ourselves..
oh ya i doubt i'll be able to update next week due to exams (exam sucks)
Alright till then.. happy playtesting and may the best players win..
So instead of
I dont think there are any changes to the Venue and Timing. So just stick to them :)
Good news, Cards from Emerging Powers can be used!
Happy Catching pokemons on that day.
The top 4 will also be getting this year world's promo ; Tropical Beach (still to be confirmed.)
To those that will be participating the event, we have exactly 1 week to prepare ourselves..
oh ya i doubt i'll be able to update next week due to exams (exam sucks)
Alright till then.. happy playtesting and may the best players win..
Pre-Release @ Eternal Gym (Ani-Play)
Im not going to write a report about my matches but a report for the overall thingy.
kay lets get started!
So this is my 2nd time ever joining a pre-release and was actually quite psyched about it too.
Total players: 48 Players
Format: 6round Swiss no top cut, 20min +3 turns
Turns out when i reached the place, my partner in crime, TheAce and my Gym Leader were already there playtesting.(in case you guys didnt know, im the Assistant Gym leader for this gym.haha.)
alright yada yada yada we went to register to get our packs!
Guess which pack contains 10 Pokemon catcher?
Anyways i'll just get to the winners of the day...
1st- Benny (our nationals senior champ)
2nd- Kevin
3rd- TheAce??!!
Congrats to them!
lets guess who came in 4th...
4th- LOCKERKEY??!! (yeah ikr! was really sad by this :'( haha) yeah no pics ;)
Lets see the cards we managed to pull:
Some of the notable pulls were:
Uncountable number of gothitelles (yea exaggerating)
Pokemon catchers
the legend duos
No Beartics
No Levanny
and No Bianca :'(
So that's all for the report on satuday's Pre-release.
Both of us didnt attend the Pre-release over at Magnum Gym (Gameshaven) so we dont really know what happened there.
So till our next update, Thanks for reading :D
kay lets get started!
So this is my 2nd time ever joining a pre-release and was actually quite psyched about it too.
Total players: 48 Players
Format: 6round Swiss no top cut, 20min +3 turns
Turns out when i reached the place, my partner in crime, TheAce and my Gym Leader were already there playtesting.(in case you guys didnt know, im the Assistant Gym leader for this gym.haha.)
alright yada yada yada we went to register to get our packs!
Guess which pack contains 10 Pokemon catcher?
Anyways i'll just get to the winners of the day...
1st- Benny (our nationals senior champ)
2nd- Kevin
3rd- TheAce??!!
Congrats to them!
lets guess who came in 4th...
4th- LOCKERKEY??!! (yeah ikr! was really sad by this :'( haha) yeah no pics ;)
Lets see the cards we managed to pull:
Some of the notable pulls were:
Uncountable number of gothitelles (yea exaggerating)
Pokemon catchers
the legend duos
No Beartics
No Levanny
and No Bianca :'(
So that's all for the report on satuday's Pre-release.
Both of us didnt attend the Pre-release over at Magnum Gym (Gameshaven) so we dont really know what happened there.
So till our next update, Thanks for reading :D
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Pokebeach have released a sneak peek of the new pack NOBLE VICTORIES
More info on pokebeach
pics from pokebeach.
I hope this pack will improvethe game more .
Noble victories.
COTD: Potion
After coming from a long way,
As You guys already know that potion has been changed after the release of Black and White. Now potion heals 30 damage instead of normal 20 . This has make a leap and potion is now seen in some decks. Potion is a great card for tank decks like tyranitar and steelix . Basically for high hp pokemon such as Wailord tm with a whooping hp of 180hp.
Potion vs MooMoo milk.
MooMoo milk effect is to flip 2 coins and for each heads, heal 30 to 1 of your pokemon. if you are lucky enough You heal 60 damage. there is a possible chance of flipping all tails. Tanks decks abuse this card for healing before the change in potion.
But Now it has been a debate for which card is better. i personally feel that potion is the way to go as i do not trust in flipping. But it is really up to the players choice.
As You guys already know that potion has been changed after the release of Black and White. Now potion heals 30 damage instead of normal 20 . This has make a leap and potion is now seen in some decks. Potion is a great card for tank decks like tyranitar and steelix . Basically for high hp pokemon such as Wailord tm with a whooping hp of 180hp.
Potion vs MooMoo milk.
MooMoo milk effect is to flip 2 coins and for each heads, heal 30 to 1 of your pokemon. if you are lucky enough You heal 60 damage. there is a possible chance of flipping all tails. Tanks decks abuse this card for healing before the change in potion.
But Now it has been a debate for which card is better. i personally feel that potion is the way to go as i do not trust in flipping. But it is really up to the players choice.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Random Card Analysis
A rather interesting world promo aint it?
So a brief explanation of what this card does:
-Its a stadium (which means both players can use)
-Has Uxie like effect which allows each player to draw till he/she has 7cards in the hand
-However if you use the effect, your turn ends immediately.
I really feel that this card has potential.Why do i say so?
-You can psycho your opponent into using the effect and his/her turn ends.( can try your best ah haha)
-Can be useful if you're playing with baby pokemon and it fell asleep and you have no other way to wake it up.
-It has 'Tropical beach' as it's card title. Where i really wanna escape to from my exams D:
So we all know this guy 'Ross Cawthon' popularise this card by having it in his deck for the World Championship 2011 that just ended recently.
He got Top4 if i remember correctly. So he might have a WC2011 deck printed out and there MIGHT be a 'Tropical Beach' inside.
I must say he must be a really creative guy to pull this off. I think he might have noticed the synergy between this stadium and with baby pokemons.
And his deck is also damn interesting. its just pure rouge or in other words anti meta. with cards like SEL
to anti the metagame there which was Tyram/Reshiplosion and also having Donphan primes and Zekrom for the MegaZones there.
So i would rate this card (Tropical Beach)
Artwork: 10/10 (i really love the artwork.Very relaxing!)
Effect: 6/10 (not really reliable but still okay)
Sexiness: 0/10 (Not sexy enough cuz only worlds participant has them)
So thats all for now. haha i really chionging posts cuz of the lack of posts this week.
Upcoming event update~
Upcoming event update!
Besides this week's pre-release for Emerging Powers....
Event Name: Pokémon TCG Victory Road 2011 *plays pokemon league song*Event ID: Non-Sanctioned Evnt
Location: E2Max Orchard Cineleisure
Address: 8 Grange Road, Level 9, S239695, Beside Cinema Entrance
Event Date: August 27, 2011 (Saturday)
Registration Fee: Free (You'll need to show us 5 Robo League Gym Badge in order to register)
Registration Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Starting Time: 3:30pm
Organizer Name: Ujin Yumeno
Organizer Email:
-Kay so we need to have atleast 5 badges to enter this event.
-This is also where all the skilled players who have persevered and gain recognition from the gym leaders all over singapore gathers.
-And at the end of this event, we will have our very first Elite 4 (with their specialWedding rings)
-Top 8 should be getting Victory Medals if i'm not wrong..
So for all trainers who will be participating this event, all the best! i myself is also excited for this event.
and for those who aren't,do come down to support our fellow players!
leave comments below or at the chatbox on who you think will be our very first Elite 4s!
our chatbox like abit dead ah. haha
Besides this week's pre-release for Emerging Powers....
Event Name: Pokémon TCG Victory Road 2011 *plays pokemon league song*Event ID: Non-Sanctioned Evnt
Location: E2Max Orchard Cineleisure
Address: 8 Grange Road, Level 9, S239695, Beside Cinema Entrance
Event Date: August 27, 2011 (Saturday)
Registration Fee: Free (You'll need to show us 5 Robo League Gym Badge in order to register)
Registration Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Starting Time: 3:30pm
Organizer Name: Ujin Yumeno
Organizer Email:
-Kay so we need to have atleast 5 badges to enter this event.
-This is also where all the skilled players who have persevered and gain recognition from the gym leaders all over singapore gathers.
-And at the end of this event, we will have our very first Elite 4 (with their special
-Top 8 should be getting Victory Medals if i'm not wrong..
So for all trainers who will be participating this event, all the best! i myself is also excited for this event.
and for those who aren't,do come down to support our fellow players!
leave comments below or at the chatbox on who you think will be our very first Elite 4s!
our chatbox like abit dead ah. haha
Friday, 12 August 2011
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Deck Analysis:MewBox
So as we all know MewBox is really actually just Mew in a box. You know like jack in the box? Okay deck analysis done. Hehe obviously I was just kidding (okay I know that was cheap shot -,-“)
Here’s a brief summary of what this deck is all about:
- It uses Mew Prime to ‘See Off’ Pokémon to make use of their attacks later on in the game
- Since Mew Prime is a basic, it is easily spammable/swarmmable
- Trainer Lock the opponent and put opponent in a tough spot while we aim in claiming our prizes
deck analysis,
mew prime,
UPcoming events.
A Good Shout Hello to all pokemon trainers and readers.
As you can see we still undergoing research on how to expand and make it more useful. We are still in midst of planning for future content.
Things you can catch in the future post:-
CardOfTheDay (you can catch and read COTD on Friday or tuesday or even best BOTH DAYS.
Battle VIDS (we cnnt promise this but we will try to make it happen)
DeckAnalysis (it depends on you readers ,what do you want to see)leave a comment
Which card is going to be next hype card?
Do comment on the chatbox.
The pre-release for BW-emerging powers will be on
20/08/2011 at Aniplay@sunset
21/08/2011 at GamesHaven@PayaLebar
For more information go to to find out more.
This week will be the EOL tournament at your respective Gyms.
Hope you guys enjoy this final moment to flip all the pokemon reversal out before its gone.
emerging powers,
Pokemon Gettoudaze!
Hi everyone and welcome to PCSG blog! if you guys have not known what PCSG stands for it is;
Pokemon Card Singapore
We wanted it to be PTCG but that would be plagiarising the Japan's website >.<
Im one of the 2 writers for this blog. but for now i'm Lockerkey (HALLO!)
The other half is TheAce.
So what this blog is about and why you should visit this site
-We do COTD reviews
-Update you guys of the latest decks and trends
-Upcoming events
-Deck Analysis
-We also take request to help you build your deck or give advice atleast.
and maybe
-a mini coverage of events
There are actually more benefits to this.
So we will try to update as many times as possible in a week, but expect there to be update at least 3 times per week.(may change depending on our schedules)
So show us your support by visiting our page and leave your comments.
we also take in feedbacks of what we can further improve on.
So to end off our very first post eva, We want to wish our World Championship participants all the best,safe trip and lets make Team Robo Singapore Proud!
Pokemon Card Singapore
We wanted it to be PTCG but that would be plagiarising the Japan's website >.<
Im one of the 2 writers for this blog. but for now i'm Lockerkey (HALLO!)
The other half is TheAce.
So what this blog is about and why you should visit this site
-We do COTD reviews
-Update you guys of the latest decks and trends
-Upcoming events
-Deck Analysis
-We also take request to help you build your deck or give advice atleast.
and maybe
-a mini coverage of events
There are actually more benefits to this.
So we will try to update as many times as possible in a week, but expect there to be update at least 3 times per week.(may change depending on our schedules)
So show us your support by visiting our page and leave your comments.
we also take in feedbacks of what we can further improve on.
So to end off our very first post eva, We want to wish our World Championship participants all the best,safe trip and lets make Team Robo Singapore Proud!
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