Monday 3 October 2011

Pokemon Fun Facts #01

I think I'll add a new section to our blog which is FUN FACTS!
Purpose is to give everyone a breather from the TCG and just relax with some interesting/weird/funny fun facts.

You can expect to see fun facts uploaded twice a week. (YES I CAN DO THIS) Since its much easier to write fun facts as compared to writing articles on deck/card analysis. :D

For the First Fun fact, we will be talking about... *Drum rolls*

Here are some Dex entries for Wobuffet

-'It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret.'

-'It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its body to pump up its counterstrike.'

-'Usually docile, a Wobbuffet strikes back ferociously if its black tail is attacked. It makes its lair in caves where it waits for nightfall'

-'In order to conceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and moves at night'

So if you read all those words that i've underlined, you will know that wobuffet
1. Love dark places.( in order to conceal its black tail)
2. Able to inflate it's body ( like a balloon)
3. Will go crazy if the black tail is attacked.

Our main question now is, Why is the tail so darn important?
The answer is..... Wobbuffet IS the black tail.

The Wobbuffet we have all been seeing (The blue thingy) is just a blue rubber sac(Like a punching bag) to be used as a decoy for the black tail. So in other words, the blue part of wobbuffet is something like a defence mechanism. where it takes the blow for the black tail.

Weird stuff !
Looks like we've come to the end of our very first Pokemon Fun Facts. Let us/me know what you think of this section and you can also give me suggestions on what you want the next fun facts to be about. Till next time :D



Team PCSG said...

You can leave your comments here :D

Marcus Ho said...

This is an interesting fact. Didn't know:D Next time wanna atk wobuffet, I'll aim for the tailXD