Team PCSG would like to wish all our readers a very happy new year! May 2012 take us into a better and more fruitful year!
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Merry Christmas!!!
Team PCSG would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas day! Lets stop playtesting and enjoy Christmas with our loved ones.
Problem uploading battle videos for top 4/top 2
I'm having trouble uploading the battle videos. Blogger seems to be rejecting them. (too much ants i guess >.<") But do watch out for it. I'll upload them as soon as i can and then i will inform you people :)
Sorry and do look out for it!
Sorry and do look out for it!
Singapore Cities; Lion City Edition! (Report + Event coverage!)
Hey guys! Lockerkey here and I’ll be doing brief event coverage for out 2nd cities.
Total number of participant is 47. Much lesser than the cities last week
Juniors : 2
Seniors: 10
Masters :35
Firstly I’ll do a speed report for my matches.
Game 1 : Shawn Goh w The truth muscles
I did a misplay on my first turn and suffered the whole game. I was able to KO his pichu, and use judge but no…. I catchered something else and allowed him to set up.
Game 2: Purvis w Eelektrik/Hydreigon
He sent out a hydregion on his T2 and I sent out my magnezone and eels on T2. For the rest of the game, I keep taking prizes using my stunfisk and my infinite catchers.
Game 3: Salman w CoKE
I was able to set up brilliantly and his Electrode trolled him after using energymite and only 1-2 energy turned up. Took the game as he had no attackers
Game 4: Rudy w Magnezeel
He won… (Problem rudy?*insert trollface*)
Game 5: Wei Liang w Victini/Vileplume/Vaniluxe
I T2 magnezone and started killing his vanilite using early. Around T5 he send out his vileplume and vanilish using ice beam 6 times paralyzing my magnezone -,-“ I paralyzed his vanilux with my tynamo and bolt strike. He returned KO and I lost burned him.
Game 6: Jun Jek w Chandelure/Vileplume
All I can say is he T2 Vileplume, I wasn’t able to set up a single magnezone and didn’t manage to take a single prize. Good game bang head on the table then wall.
Overall position:20th. Really very bad -,-“
Now for the small top 8 coverage
Top 8. According to the ratings.
Top 8 decks:
2 Magnezeel
2 Zpst
1 Tyram
1 Magneboar
1 Durant
1 Scizor/Donphan
Top 4 decks (according to position)
4th Xiong Jie w Tyram |
![]() |
3rd Benny w Magnezeel |
2nd Elias w Durant |
1st Lychee w Donphan/ Scizor |
Top 4 decks
1 Tyram
1 Magnezeel
1 Durant
1 Donphan/Scizor
Congratulations to all the winners! we hope to see and hear more achievements from you guys!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Deck Analysis: Six Corner
S to the I to the X Corner! Say what? Six Corner! Yes this is a deck’s name, not some mathematical geometry. Now enough of being a cheerleader and lets get down to business (some lame humor)
This is also the 1 and only 6 corner that made the top cut in our Cities Championship last week.
Basic introduction to the deck
This deck is basically filled with heavy tankish pokemon with high hp. So this includes pokemons like the 3 dragons;Zekrom,Reshiram and Kyurem ,the 3 musketeers; Virizion,Coballion,terrakion and maybe the 3 genie might see some play too; Tornadus,Thundurus,Landorus.
This deck purpose and aim is to take down and counter any deck that you face by hitting for their weakness.
This deck is definitely not suitable for new comer or beginners as in order to use this deck, you need to know what the meta is, what certain deck does and you need to know how to react to situations and be able to think ahead of your opponent.
Another thing to add is, this deck does not have a SOP to it (Standard of Procedure). This means that every match, you are most likely having a different field and different strategy.
New design for the new year!
If you havent noticed our new design, YOU'RE A SLOWPOKE!
hhaha random!
anyway this is our new design for the blog. Let us know what you think of it. If you prefer the previous design, dont be shy to let us know. You can tell us by either emailing or leaving a comment below.
So comment away~!
hhaha random!
anyway this is our new design for the blog. Let us know what you think of it. If you prefer the previous design, dont be shy to let us know. You can tell us by either emailing or leaving a comment below.
So comment away~!
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I like this picture alot X) |
2nd Place Cities Championship report by ABC
I'm typing this report with only 5 hours of sleep and a horrible memory, so I might leave out many important details and/or remember some things wrongly. No Clifton-style 10k word report here, although I wish I could do it :p
To be honest, I built my deck only three days before Cities, and didn't get to playtest properly. I think my Chandelure deck only played slightly less than 10 games before Cities. Thus my list was a little rushed and, as it turned out, lacked late-game sustainability. But anyway, on to the list! :D
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Cities Championship 2011 at City Square Mall
HEY YALL! LONG TIME NO UPDATE! hehe sorry for the very long hiatus. Been really busy with exams and i just got into a new card game quite some time back. So hasnt really been in the pokemon scene for quite sometime. (new card game hint: FINAL TURN!)
Anyway, i wasnt really prepared for this tournament as i had very little time preparing for a deck to use. I managed to finalized my decklist only in morning of the event. i have a report of my tournament at the end of this post.
A total of 118 players
Masters: 74
Seniors: 31
Juniors: 13
So the metagame for the cities championship are mostly Magnezeels,Zeels,ZPST. This was the majority's list. Too many yellow cards >.<
I'll go through the top 16 decks
Anyway, i wasnt really prepared for this tournament as i had very little time preparing for a deck to use. I managed to finalized my decklist only in morning of the event. i have a report of my tournament at the end of this post.
A total of 118 players
Masters: 74
Seniors: 31
Juniors: 13
So the metagame for the cities championship are mostly Magnezeels,Zeels,ZPST. This was the majority's list. Too many yellow cards >.<
I'll go through the top 16 decks
- 6 Magneel
- 3 ZPST
- 3 Chandelure
- 1 TyRam
- 1 ZEel
- 1 6 Corners
- 1 Kyugatr
![]() |
Beautifully taken by yours truly >:) |
annnddd heres my cities report
enjoy reading my report and would like to thank to those who read it too!
So til my next update! thanks for reading this article cya soon!
Monday, 24 October 2011
CardOfTheDay:Mew TM
Whats up readers , today card of the day will be the cute pink mew prime from TM.
What can mew prime do ??
Mew prime poke-body lost link. Mew is able to use attacks of pokemon that is in the lost zone. Which make it a one hell of a card.
How do i sent pokemon into lost zone. ??
Its attack for a psychic. is able to sent 1 pokemon into lost zone . OR

rainbow energy its the best energy for mew. If U want to make full advantage of different attack in lostzone.
Whats up readers , today card of the day will be the cute pink mew prime from TM.
What can mew prime do ??
Mew prime poke-body lost link. Mew is able to use attacks of pokemon that is in the lost zone. Which make it a one hell of a card.
How do i sent pokemon into lost zone. ??
Its attack for a psychic. is able to sent 1 pokemon into lost zone . OR
rainbow energy its the best energy for mew. If U want to make full advantage of different attack in lostzone.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Upcoming event update EOL+BR
This week is the 4th week of our very first Trio Badge Season. This also means that the next season, Basic Badge Season, will start soon.
The first upcoming event is the End Of League Tournament. Which is held after every season is completed. The format will be HGSS-ON. We are encouraged to join the tournament to earn some boosters and also go against members of our own gym on that day.
These events will be held during league sessions this week sat/sun (22/23)
this is the link to other gym's address if you are interested to visit them >
The next event update is Battle Roads autumn. You can read more details from these links provided below:
Hope to see you people at the events and look forward to our battle reports too!
The first upcoming event is the End Of League Tournament. Which is held after every season is completed. The format will be HGSS-ON. We are encouraged to join the tournament to earn some boosters and also go against members of our own gym on that day.
These events will be held during league sessions this week sat/sun (22/23)
this is the link to other gym's address if you are interested to visit them >
The next event update is Battle Roads autumn. You can read more details from these links provided below:
Hope to see you people at the events and look forward to our battle reports too!
Friday, 14 October 2011
Whats the meta ...????
So far any decks with the right cards and match-up can win . Im going to list top 3 decks pros and cons. Just look at the list of decks that won in some battle roads.
Before tornadus is released this deck is rarely played due to donphan prime running around and hitting zekrom for weakness. after releasing . U can see the Hype on this decks
Pros:Very fast.
If start First, possible to DONK for easy win.
Cons:Trainer lock = GG (these deck run trainers.
Cannot play until late game. easily deck out.
There are many varients out there so it still depends in their own respective meta.
First up in no. 1 is Zekrom Varients . The most successful varient of it will be a ZPST
Before tornadus is released this deck is rarely played due to donphan prime running around and hitting zekrom for weakness. after releasing . U can see the Hype on this decks
Pros:Very fast.
If start First, possible to DONK for easy win.
Cons:Trainer lock = GG (these deck run trainers.
Cannot play until late game. easily deck out.
There are many varients out there so it still depends in their own respective meta.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Pokemon Fun Facts #02
Im sure the majority of you guys played pokemon red/blue/yellow/green version before right? If you have, then this scene should be familiar to you people.
In Pokemon R/B/Y/G version, as we all know there are only 151 pokemon back then. From the description given by the gal, what pokemon do you think she is referring to?
If you guessed any of the pokemon from the original 151 pokemons, then you are wrong!
The Answer is Munna!
Evolve into Musharna with a Moon Stone
Hmmm I see what they did there
Yes now you must be saying ‘YOU MAD?’ it haven’t even existed during the R/B/Y/G era. There has been rumours that the creator of pokemon actually came up with more than 151 pokemons when it was first planned but only decided to release 151 and decided to scrap all the others.
But since the Black and White era was suppose to be similar to the original pokemon season, they decided to use ideas which were made back then into b/w.
Well all this are just rumours.
Hope all of you enjoyed this round of Pokemon Fun Facts. Let us know what you think of it. Leave comments and tell us what you would like us to do for the next installment of Pokemon fun facts!
Thanks for reading! Till next time!
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Card of the day : Electrode Prime
Today’s COTD will feature a card that has seen very little play or nearly no play at all. The card of the day today is……..Electrode Prime! Zzzzzt ( this is suppose to be the sound or electric)
![]() |
Use Colgate |
First we break down the stats
HP:90HP for a stage 1 Prime is really bad when you compare with all the other stage 1 primes like Donphan,Yanmega,Lanturn,etc.
Type and Weakness: With a lightning type, this means it will really suffer to it’s brother, Donphan. With a x2 weakness,it’s basically a free prize for decks like megazord or DnD if its left lying around on the field.
Attack: Gigashock! 1 Lightning and 1 colourless to do 30 damage and do a 10 damage spread to 2 other pokemon? Wow that’s so game breaking.period. Obviously electrode cannot be a main attacker of any deck. With the energy cost and the damage it’s dealing. You’re better off using other pokemon to attack. This also shows that Electrode is more of a support pokemon.
Poke-power: Energymite! This is where Electrode gets to shine. 2 words,Energy Acceleration. Make it 3 words RISKY energy acceleration. Why i said its risky is because, first you knock out your own electrode, and then the opponent picks up a prize. Then look at the top 7 and look for as many energy and attach them in any way to your pokemons in play. Sounds good right? But what happens when you don’t find any energy there? Yup free prize. There are also reasons why you would want to give a free prize. This is to have prize control. To maybe abuse using twins or to not allow your opponent use theirs.
We can pair Electrode prime with Research Record (COL) to control the top deck of your deck. Shift all the non energy to the bottom of the deck and keep the energies on top.
Where can we see electrode prime being used? So far I can only see it being used in a few decks. They are, Basic Variants( Zekrom/Tornadus/Reshiram), Gothitelle and maybe Steelix.
The rating I give for this card (Electrode Prime) is in general.
Artwork 7/10: The art work has some humour in it actually. With Eletrode giving that ‘heh what you gonna do with me now’ I like the artwork
Playbility 3/10: Other than the decks that I mentioned above, it has no other use in other decks or on its own
This comes to an end of the COTD. Leave your comments and let us know of what you think. Look forward to our next article :D
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Event updates!
Dates for Battle Roads have been confirmed and here are the details
29/10 JCube(Empyrean) & Millennium Game World (Smugleaf)
30/10 GamesHaven(Magnum) and Active Games (Active)
This is the link for the shop address:
I will update the time once i know about it.
It is also said that there will be '8 BR Autumn this year, with 2 BR Tournament at each venue,
one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The BR in the Morning will be the usual stuff while the BR in the afternoon will only for Grinding Championship Points, without any other prize awards. '
quoted from Ujin.
I myself is excited for Battle Roads so lets prepare ourself by playtesting more :D
There will also be an article on how to prepare for battle roads and what to expect from it in the coming future.
Till next time!
29/10 JCube(Empyrean) & Millennium Game World (Smugleaf)
30/10 GamesHaven(Magnum) and Active Games (Active)
This is the link for the shop address:
I will update the time once i know about it.
It is also said that there will be '8 BR Autumn this year, with 2 BR Tournament at each venue,
one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The BR in the Morning will be the usual stuff while the BR in the afternoon will only for Grinding Championship Points, without any other prize awards. '
quoted from Ujin.
I myself is excited for Battle Roads so lets prepare ourself by playtesting more :D
There will also be an article on how to prepare for battle roads and what to expect from it in the coming future.
Till next time!
Monday, 3 October 2011
Pokemon Fun Facts #01
I think I'll add a new section to our blog which is FUN FACTS!
Purpose is to give everyone a breather from the TCG and just relax with some interesting/weird/funny fun facts.
You can expect to see fun facts uploaded twice a week. (YES I CAN DO THIS) Since its much easier to write fun facts as compared to writing articles on deck/card analysis. :D
For the First Fun fact, we will be talking about... *Drum rolls*
-'It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret.'
-'It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its body to pump up its counterstrike.'
-'Usually docile, a Wobbuffet strikes back ferociously if its black tail is attacked. It makes its lair in caves where it waits for nightfall'
-'In order to conceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and moves at night'
So if you read all those words that i've underlined, you will know that wobuffet
1. Love dark places.( in order to conceal its black tail)
2. Able to inflate it's body ( like a balloon)
3. Will go crazy if the black tail is attacked.
Purpose is to give everyone a breather from the TCG and just relax with some interesting/weird/funny fun facts.
You can expect to see fun facts uploaded twice a week. (YES I CAN DO THIS) Since its much easier to write fun facts as compared to writing articles on deck/card analysis. :D
For the First Fun fact, we will be talking about... *Drum rolls*
-'It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret.'
-'It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its body to pump up its counterstrike.'
-'Usually docile, a Wobbuffet strikes back ferociously if its black tail is attacked. It makes its lair in caves where it waits for nightfall'
-'In order to conceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and moves at night'
So if you read all those words that i've underlined, you will know that wobuffet
1. Love dark places.( in order to conceal its black tail)
2. Able to inflate it's body ( like a balloon)
3. Will go crazy if the black tail is attacked.
Our main question now is, Why is the tail so darn important?
The answer is..... Wobbuffet IS the black tail.
The Wobbuffet we have all been seeing (The blue thingy) is just a blue rubber sac(Like a punching bag) to be used as a decoy for the black tail. So in other words, the blue part of wobbuffet is something like a defence mechanism. where it takes the blow for the black tail.
Weird stuff !
Looks like we've come to the end of our very first Pokemon Fun Facts. Let us/me know what you think of this section and you can also give me suggestions on what you want the next fun facts to be about. Till next time :DLockerkey~
Im back with a decklist!
Sorry for the lack of updates or post from my side. [Lockerkey] Been really busy with life.Spending too much time in a Secret Garden meditating. Yes this is the deck that i will be talking about today!
With the recent release of Emerging Powers, we got ourself a more reliable Liligant
Main Attacker: Liligant
For a stage 1, a 90HP-ed pokemon seems normal for a regular pokemon.
It's attack Bermusing Aroma which cost 1G for 20 seems bad at first. But when you read its effect, it is actually very good
Heads: The Defending pokemon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned
Tails: The Defending pokemon is now Confused
Which of this is bad? i think both of them are useful.
The Fire weakness is really unavoidable but the water resistance is really useful in certain situations (beartic,etc)
Secondary Attacker: Yanmega Prime
Since Yanmega can hit high damage/snipe for no energy, so why not just fit em in the deck too.
Its purpose here is to serve as a back up if Liligant were to fail.
We all know how good Yanmega is with the free attack thanks to it's poke-body and the free retreat cost.
Another point is because he is a GRASS type.What has being a grass type got to do with anything? Well it has something to do with our Supporting pokemon.
Supporting Pokemon: Sunflora/Vileplume

The BEST pokemon searcher in the format! (for grass pokemon at least) .
Why i said this is the best pokemon searcher in the format? Its because of its Poke-Power Sunshine Grace, which allows you to search for any grass pokemon in your deck.
Thats awesome! This means once set up, you are able to nab any grass pokemon from your deck and almost all your pokemons are grass types.
Vileplume also known as Gengar's best friend in the last format aka VILEGAR.
With the Poke-body Allergy Flower to block out trainer/items from being played. How this is good for the deck is,with liligant inflicting status condition on your opponent's pokemon, they will have no outs unless they retreat manually. Switches and Super Scoop Ups will be rendered when vileplume is out.
Vileplume is also a grass pokemon. This means that it can easily be searched out by Sunflora
Pokemon TechsSome of the possible techs for this deck would be;
Metapod HGSS - To help cancel out all the weaknesses of grass pokemons.
Leafeon UD/COL - With Liligant infliting conditions, leafeon can easily dish our 100 damage for a colourless.
These are not the only techs can be used. There are also other cards that can be teched in as well.
Been trying this deck using REDSHARK. You guys try it out and experiment with it. With this deck you can lock the opponent in a few ways. It can hit hard or snipe the bench and lock trainers also.
So give it a try it, it might suprise you :D
Thanks for reading my article and look forward to another one of my post this week
With the recent release of Emerging Powers, we got ourself a more reliable Liligant
Main Attacker: Liligant
For a stage 1, a 90HP-ed pokemon seems normal for a regular pokemon.
It's attack Bermusing Aroma which cost 1G for 20 seems bad at first. But when you read its effect, it is actually very good
Heads: The Defending pokemon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned
Tails: The Defending pokemon is now Confused
Which of this is bad? i think both of them are useful.
The Fire weakness is really unavoidable but the water resistance is really useful in certain situations (beartic,etc)
Secondary Attacker: Yanmega Prime
Since Yanmega can hit high damage/snipe for no energy, so why not just fit em in the deck too.
Its purpose here is to serve as a back up if Liligant were to fail.
We all know how good Yanmega is with the free attack thanks to it's poke-body and the free retreat cost.
Another point is because he is a GRASS type.What has being a grass type got to do with anything? Well it has something to do with our Supporting pokemon.
Supporting Pokemon: Sunflora/Vileplume

The BEST pokemon searcher in the format! (for grass pokemon at least) .
Why i said this is the best pokemon searcher in the format? Its because of its Poke-Power Sunshine Grace, which allows you to search for any grass pokemon in your deck.
Thats awesome! This means once set up, you are able to nab any grass pokemon from your deck and almost all your pokemons are grass types.
Vileplume also known as Gengar's best friend in the last format aka VILEGAR.
With the Poke-body Allergy Flower to block out trainer/items from being played. How this is good for the deck is,with liligant inflicting status condition on your opponent's pokemon, they will have no outs unless they retreat manually. Switches and Super Scoop Ups will be rendered when vileplume is out.
Vileplume is also a grass pokemon. This means that it can easily be searched out by Sunflora
Pokemon Techs
Metapod HGSS - To help cancel out all the weaknesses of grass pokemons.
Leafeon UD/COL - With Liligant infliting conditions, leafeon can easily dish our 100 damage for a colourless.
These are not the only techs can be used. There are also other cards that can be teched in as well.
Pokemon 27 | T/S/S 22 | Energy 11 |
4-3 Yanmega Prime 3-3 Liligant EP 2-2 Sunflora 1-1 Metapod 3-2-3 Vileplume | 4 Pokemon Collector 3 Twins 3 Copycat 3 PONT 2 Juniper 3 Judge 2 Pokemon Communication 2 Rare Candy | 8 Grass Energy 3 Rescue Energy |
Been trying this deck using REDSHARK. You guys try it out and experiment with it. With this deck you can lock the opponent in a few ways. It can hit hard or snipe the bench and lock trainers also.
So give it a try it, it might suprise you :D
Thanks for reading my article and look forward to another one of my post this week
Friday, 30 September 2011
Card of the day is reshiram . As seen in many decks like reshiphlosion, reshiboar and ....
Reshiram have synergy with thyphlosion and emboar.
fir FFC does 120 damage is enough to K.O most pokemon and with catcher out . it makes killing much more easier. Discard 2 fire energy . this is when typhlosion and emboar come in.
Typhlosion Poke-power: Afterburner. attach a fire energy from discard pile to 1 of your pokemon and put 1 damage counter on that pokemon.
Pros: low retreat cost
a good attack.
much more consistent
able to play against trainer lock decks.
Cons: hard match-up against reshiboar as the opponent does not require the extra plus power to return blue flare or blue flare from reshiram or Zoroak
Emboar ability: inferno fandango . As often as u can . u may attach fire energy to any pokemon.
Pros: can attach alot of fire energy
high hp
Reshiram is not damage
cons: heavy retreat cost
bad attack
rely on energy retrieval and fisherman to return energy after blue flaring.
which one is better it depends on personal views and meta.
Reshiram is also use to reduce kingdra prime base damage to 20. usually donphan deck run one reshiram as kingdra prime can one hit KO donphan with one energy if they encounter kingdra prime.
Reshiram is able to play well with decks that run reuniclus. reshiram can be holding the damage counter since it is easy to find (basic) and high Hp. The first attack outrage for a cc . 20 plus the no. of damage counter on this pokemon. with reuniclus. the outrage damage output can be control .
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Here are the updates for inter-gym . new badges and standings
Inter-gym standings:
1st: Empyrean
2nd: Eternal
3rd: Magnum
4th: E2max
5th: Ghastrix
6th: Smugleaf
7th: Sands
8th: Active
9th: Delta
To go to victory Road . You will need to obtain at least 5 of these Badges OR have all 8 pins ( u will get these pins end of every Season with all rows chop or signed .there are total of 4 rows.)
Friday, 23 September 2011
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Pokemon the movie:white-Victini and Zekrom
the rest is all there.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Typhlosion/Reshiram: Playing Methodology Guide.
Greetings. It's me, dɥɐитσɯ z, with yet another Pokemon article. I have been called upon as guest writer once more to touch on a rather pertinent topic, that of which deals with a deck called Typhlosion/Reshiram. Why is this topic so pertinent? Well, Typhlosion/Reshiram decks are popular and tough for one. If you play in a league or a tournament for that matter, expect to fight Typhlosion/Reshiram decks, and expect to be in for a rough ride. This deck is here to stay, and it will simmer and bore its way towards a firmly grounded place in the metagame.
For the uninitiated, Typhlosion/Reshiram is a deck comprised of well, Typhlosion and Reshiram. I certainly hope I did not send legions of readers down into a mental abyss and render them catatonic with this relevation. /dryhumour
The sheer simplicity of the mentioned deck is the key to its efficacy. 120 hp worth of damage, perhaps more, every single turn. This is of course after full set up. However, the deck's empirical premise, that of which involves energy recycling via Typhlosion's Afterburner attack and Reshiram belting it out in the form of the devastating Blue Flare attack, is simple, and therefore simple to achieve. This makes a full set up the status quo of every good build, allowing 120 hp upwards of damage every turn to be a rather mundane and routine matter for this deck. In short, its powerful and simple, making it simply powerful.
For more information, do visit Team Robo's forums to take a look at a very solid guide written by one of their veteran members: This will give you all the information you require if you intend to start using the deck or anticipate that you will need to deal with it sooner or later, at a fundamental level. A no-frills guide to understanding the deck at its core.
Not just another Typhlosion/Reshiram deck analysis
However, while Typhlosion/Reshiram decks are known to be decidedly easy to pick up, they are also hard to master. It is easy to pick up a very standard Typhlosion/Reshiram deck and run it through its paces, setting up Typhlosions and swarming with Reshirams and kicking buttocks left and right with 120 hp damage a turn, and perhaps more if you need it. Spamming Rare Candy, Pokemon Communication, Pokemon Collector, Basic Arithmetic and PlusPower drops, knowing what to use Junk Arm for, Typhlosion/Reshiram is perfect deck for beginners to use when it comes to merely using the deck for its basic functions.
The hard part comes when the opponent is factored into the whole picture. This is where the hard thinking comes in...
Yep, thinking hard.
Typhlosion/Reshiram is notoriously predictable, and the opponent can and will throw banana peels and metal tacks onto the floor when you try to race towards full set up and the acquisition of 6 prizes. The bad news? Your projected route is so obvious, they will know exactly where to hit and where to hurt. The basics of Typhlosion/Reshiram deck usage will not be of much help here. If you cannot set up Typhlosion without getting killed as a Cyndaquil, there is no point. If 120 hp damage does not even faze your opponent, we are in trouble indeed. The galling thing is, its not unusual to see such things happening when you head out into a cruel, competitive setting.
The hard part comes when the opponent is factored into the whole picture. This is where the hard thinking comes in...
Yep, thinking hard.
Typhlosion/Reshiram is notoriously predictable, and the opponent can and will throw banana peels and metal tacks onto the floor when you try to race towards full set up and the acquisition of 6 prizes. The bad news? Your projected route is so obvious, they will know exactly where to hit and where to hurt. The basics of Typhlosion/Reshiram deck usage will not be of much help here. If you cannot set up Typhlosion without getting killed as a Cyndaquil, there is no point. If 120 hp damage does not even faze your opponent, we are in trouble indeed. The galling thing is, its not unusual to see such things happening when you head out into a cruel, competitive setting.
Taking a deceptively simple deck premise to the next level (hopefully)
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Upcoming event update!
So to start a brand new league season, our very first event will be the intergym competition which will be held on saturday (24/9/11) at E2Max Cathay Cineleisure.
Tournament will start at 3PM
This is a tournament where the gym leader and the member of his gym form a group with 3 people in it and go against other gyms. This is how the game goes:
Each player will play their individual game.Nothing special here
but before playing the game each team will need to pick where to sit for example, Left,Right or Middle.
So when playing, their opponent will be the one sitting opposite them. This means
Left vs Right
Middle vs Middle
Right vs Left
So to sum things up, we hope everyone can come down to support your own gym even though if you're not playing. Just come down and see how your fellow gym member do . So all the best to everyone!Cheers!
Tournament will start at 3PM
This is a tournament where the gym leader and the member of his gym form a group with 3 people in it and go against other gyms. This is how the game goes:
Each player will play their individual game.Nothing special here
but before playing the game each team will need to pick where to sit for example, Left,Right or Middle.
So when playing, their opponent will be the one sitting opposite them. This means
Left vs Right
Middle vs Middle
Right vs Left
So to sum things up, we hope everyone can come down to support your own gym even though if you're not playing. Just come down and see how your fellow gym member do . So all the best to everyone!Cheers!
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