Hey viewers! had a sleepless night and decided to take abit of time off worrying bout the coming singapore states and write an article bout Ampharos Prime.
Lets take a closer look at this fully-grown sheep...
Ability :
''Whenever your opponent attaches an Energy card from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Pokémon, put 1 damage counter on that Pokémon.''
This ability stacks, which means if you managed to set up 2 of this card the opponent has to place 2 damage counters on their pokemon when ever an energy is attached FROM his/her hand to their pokemon.. and the word here is PLACE 2 damage counters, which means evolites and special metal or any other form of defence doesn't count here.
HP : 140
A decent hp i would say for a stage 2.
Attack :
LCC Lightning Crush 40+''Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 40 more damage. If tails, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.''
Pretty interesting attack with a chance of 'crushing hammer' effect or an extra 40 damage. The cost is actually affordable, requiring 1 lightning and 2 colourless, which means a turn 1 mareep with 1 lightning energy, turn 2 rare candy up to ampharos prime, attach a Double colourless energy and your good to go.
The usual fighting type weakness and metal resistance
And a Retreat cost of 2.
Very ready-to-go if u managed to set it up, put it in the active spot and setting up another one at the back. A Card that screams to you telling you it hates energy attachments!
Cards that might work well with ampharos prime?

Eeletrike < zzz having trouble spelling its name >
Having the ability to charge up an attacker as soon as you bench them down, this card has running everywhere powering up every big basics like mewtwo EX zekrom EX zekrom and a whole lot of other yellow pokemanzzz. So since ampharos Prime is yellow too, why not?

Dealing 50 damage to every opposing pokemon with energy attached to them sounds like a finisher, and if Electrivire survives one turn after a 'thunder shot' and does it again, it'll be a devastating 100 damage. This card has a sort of 'anti-energy-spamming' feeling so it might just work out with our COTD.
Ratings :
Artwork : a 7/10. The fierce Prime look compared to the normal small eyes ampharos is cute
Playability : 5/10. Being a stage 2 requires a certain amount of consistancy in the deck to set up, and with 140 hp in this current format, an EX'll be able to knock it out fast.
Nonetheless, one of my fav pokemon XD
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