Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Lion City States Top 8 Report
This is my 3rd state this year and I’m taking with me the same deck that I’ve used for the previous 2. I’m also bringing a new knowledge on how to counter CMT after losing to 2 of them in the previous states tournament.
So this is how my list looks like:
Pokemon: 15 4-3 Eelektrik (3 free rt) 2 mewtwo ex 2 zekrom 1 zekrom ex 1 cleffa 1 zapdos 1 thundurus | T/S/S: 32 4 Pkmn Collector 4 Prof Juniper 2 Prof Oaks’ new theory 2 Sage’s training 2 N 4 Junk Arm 3 Pkmn Catcher 2 Eviolite 2 Level Ball 2 Switch 2 Pokegear 2 Pluspower 1 Super Rod | Energy: 13 9 Lightning Energy 4 Double Colourless Energy |
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Singapore States Lion City Edition
Hey guys, I'll be doing an event coverage which just happened last week (25/3) and that event is our Second States this year.
Event was held at J-cube,Dhoby Ghaut.
There were a total of 37 players
Masters: 29
Senior: 4
Junior: 4
For masters, there was 6 round of swiss and a top cut for the top 8 players.
Whereas the Senior and Junior combined and played 3 round of swiss.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Singapore states overview and a report
Sup guys how you doing! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves at Sg's States today.
In total there were about 90+ participants
Juniors: 9
Seniors: 12
For the Masters Division, there were 6 round of swiss and a top cut for the top 16 players. How I did for the tournament? I went 4-2 missing top cut at the 19th seed. :/ *oh well*
For those interested in my decklist for my Msia states or Sg states, can ask me personally.
I don't have the top 16 list as the first one I took has some errors and they had to be renewed and they were never printed. So no pic *okay.jpg*
Lets get down to the deck distribution for the top 16:
In total there were about 90+ participants
Juniors: 9
Seniors: 12
Are we READY |
For those interested in my decklist for my Msia states or Sg states, can ask me personally.
I don't have the top 16 list as the first one I took has some errors and they had to be renewed and they were never printed. So no pic *okay.jpg*
Lets get down to the deck distribution for the top 16:
Monday, 19 March 2012
Top 8 Singapore States report
Hi guys. For those that don’t know me, i am Jeremy also known as Garami. For the event, i decided to play MessieMew/MessMew/MessyMew/Mees or whatever you wanna call it. The reason behind my deck choice was because i had been playtesting with the deck ever since ECC when Mess took the deck to top 16. I went on to play with the deck and fell in love with it as it’s one of those decks that has so many options and room to outplay others despite having many weakness. Here’s the list i used for those who are interested:
Chase’s Singapore States Report < Seniors >
Early in the morning, I was still deciding between 3 decks. Durant, ZEel and Terrakion. But after nasty plotting in the toilet few minutes before the tournament, I decided to go with ZEel as it is the deck I playtested with the most.
Welcome our new members Chase and Reymus!
Thats right! We've just added a new SENIOR and a JUNIOR member to our team of writers and their names are CHASE and REYMUS! So as a senior/junior only, please pardon their short forms and language as they are really far from being a master, agewise. Till next time!
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Singapore States in less than 24 hours!
Ahh singapore states.. so much good memories. My first premiere tournament when i just started last year. Didnt do too well with the score of 3-3. Its been a long time and it got me here to where I am now in this tcg.. Time to take revenge. Okay enough of the sentiments X)
1. Have plenty of sleep/rest
2. Prepare your deck/bags
3. Remember to bring a pen to fill out your decklist
4. Eat seafood at 3am to ensure top cut
Getting 1st and 2nd is states is a big deal as not only you get lots of championship points,trophy,packs, you will also get a first round bye at SG Nationals. This means that you get a free 1-0 and all you have to do is win the other 5-6 rounds and you're in the top cut.
Wish us the best and hope that most of Team PCSG top cuts like what happened in Msia. 3 of our members made it to top 8~
We would also like to wish everyone the best of luck!
Friday, 16 March 2012
COTD:Emboar ability
Hey viewer! this is my first time writing and article and if i make any mistake please leave a comment.
Ability Inferno Fandango:As often as you like during your turn (before your attack you may attach a
Energy from your hand to 1 of your pokemon This pokemon is able to attach as many energy to any of your pokemon from your hand i would say that it's better than Typhlosion prime.
Typhlosion prime Poke-Power:Afterburner
Once during your turn (before your attack)
you may search your discard pile for a
Energy and attach it to 1 of your pokemon. If you do,put 1 damage counter on that pokemon.This power can't be used if Typhlosion is affected by a special condition .
Why is Emboar better than Typhlosion prime?
1)Emboar may attached as many energy in 1 turn from your hand unlike typhlosion afterburner search your discard pile and attach a
Energy to that pokemon and put 1 damage counter .
2)if Typhlosion is affected by a special condition it can't use afterburner unlike Emboar if it's affected by a special condition it still can use it's ability Inferno Fandandgo.
3)Emboar HP is higher than Typhlosion prime.

Once during your turn (before your attack)
you may search your discard pile for a
Energy and attach it to 1 of your pokemon. If you do,put 1 damage counter on that pokemon.This power can't be used if Typhlosion is affected by a special condition .
Why is Emboar better than Typhlosion prime?
1)Emboar may attached as many energy in 1 turn from your hand unlike typhlosion afterburner search your discard pile and attach a
2)if Typhlosion is affected by a special condition it can't use afterburner unlike Emboar if it's affected by a special condition it still can use it's ability Inferno Fandandgo.
3)Emboar HP is higher than Typhlosion prime.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
COTD:Ampharos Prime HGSS
Hey viewers! had a sleepless night and decided to take abit of time off worrying bout the coming singapore states and write an article bout Ampharos Prime.
Lets take a closer look at this fully-grown sheep...
Ability :
''Whenever your opponent attaches an Energy card from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Pokémon, put 1 damage counter on that Pokémon.''
This ability stacks, which means if you managed to set up 2 of this card the opponent has to place 2 damage counters on their pokemon when ever an energy is attached FROM his/her hand to their pokemon.. and the word here is PLACE 2 damage counters, which means evolites and special metal or any other form of defence doesn't count here.
HP : 140
A decent hp i would say for a stage 2.
Attack :
LCC Lightning Crush 40+''Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 40 more damage. If tails, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.''
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Singapore States
Sorry for the lack of post guys! I'm sure you readers are sick everytime you visit this blog hoping to read a new article but end up seeing nothing new has been updated. Well thats because we are busy at the period of time.
Why are we so busy? oh thats because Singapore's states is coming and we are all busy playtesting.
Link to register for sg states > http://www.teamrobo.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=5236
Besides playtesting for the tcg, I have also recently picked up the pokemon black version and been busy training. I just finished the Elite 4 like a few days ago and have stopped playing and focusing more on the tcg side.
If you guys give us suggestion on what you want us to post, it will be much easier since we know what content you want.
Why are we so busy? oh thats because Singapore's states is coming and we are all busy playtesting.
Link to register for sg states > http://www.teamrobo.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=5236
Besides playtesting for the tcg, I have also recently picked up the pokemon black version and been busy training. I just finished the Elite 4 like a few days ago and have stopped playing and focusing more on the tcg side.
My humble team |
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Fourth place Malaysia states report: Lockerkey
The tournament was held in Malaysia,Petaling Jaya card shop, Toysbar. The card shop really reminded me of Gameshaven.
Number of players:
50+ Masters
7 Seniors
3 Juniors
For masters we had 6 Swiss rounds and there is top cut for 8 players.
Malaysia States Championship Report : pokeboy11
This is my first time writing a report and not getting the chance to take notes of the matches i had, please bear with me if my report is short and not detailed >.<
Deck : VVV
So here i go
Deck : VVV
So here i go
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Malaysia States comes before Singapore's
Team Robo and Team PCSG will be heading to Malaysia for their states this 10/3(Saturday). Wish us the best for both the tournament and our safety~
We hope to do our best and conquer their states! Dont worry, we'll be back with ;
- Event coverage
- Pictures
- Our own reports
- and hopefully videos ( Matches or etc. Not confirmed though)
If I'm able to get Wifi at the event location, I'll do an hourly update on how we are doing.
May Victini and Arceus give us the power and luck to go through this event!
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Give us your best wishes ^^ V |
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