Card of the day is reshiram . As seen in many decks like reshiphlosion, reshiboar and ....
Reshiram have synergy with thyphlosion and emboar.
fir FFC does 120 damage is enough to K.O most pokemon and with catcher out . it makes killing much more easier. Discard 2 fire energy . this is when typhlosion and emboar come in.
Typhlosion Poke-power: Afterburner. attach a fire energy from discard pile to 1 of your pokemon and put 1 damage counter on that pokemon.
Pros: low retreat cost
a good attack.
much more consistent
able to play against trainer lock decks.
Cons: hard match-up against reshiboar as the opponent does not require the extra plus power to return blue flare or blue flare from reshiram or Zoroak
Emboar ability: inferno fandango . As often as u can . u may attach fire energy to any pokemon.
Pros: can attach alot of fire energy
high hp
Reshiram is not damage
cons: heavy retreat cost
bad attack
rely on energy retrieval and fisherman to return energy after blue flaring.
which one is better it depends on personal views and meta.
Reshiram is also use to reduce kingdra prime base damage to 20. usually donphan deck run one reshiram as kingdra prime can one hit KO donphan with one energy if they encounter kingdra prime.
Reshiram is able to play well with decks that run reuniclus. reshiram can be holding the damage counter since it is easy to find (basic) and high Hp. The first attack outrage for a cc . 20 plus the no. of damage counter on this pokemon. with reuniclus. the outrage damage output can be control .