Sorry for the lack of updates or post from my side. [
Lockerkey] Been really busy with life.Spending too much time in a
Secret Garden meditating
. Yes this is the deck that i will be talking about today!
With the recent release of Emerging Powers, we got ourself a more reliable
Main Attacker: Liligant
For a stage 1, a 90HP-ed pokemon seems normal for a regular pokemon.
It's attack Bermusing Aroma which cost 1G for 20 seems bad at first. But when you read its effect, it is actually very good
Heads: The Defending pokemon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned
Tails: The Defending pokemon is now Confused
Which of this is bad? i think both of them are useful.
The Fire weakness is really unavoidable but the water resistance is really useful in certain situations (beartic,etc)
Secondary Attacker: Yanmega Prime
Since Yanmega can hit high damage/snipe for no energy, so why not just fit em in the deck too.
Its purpose here is to serve as a back up if Liligant were to fail.
We all know how good Yanmega is with the free attack thanks to it's poke-body and the free retreat cost.
Another point is because he is a GRASS type.What has being a grass type got to do with anything? Well it has something to do with our Supporting pokemon.
Supporting Pokemon: Sunflora/Vileplume
The BEST pokemon searcher in the format! (for grass pokemon at least) .
Why i said this is the best pokemon searcher in the format? Its because of its Poke-Power Sunshine Grace, which allows you to search for any grass pokemon in your deck.
Thats awesome! This means once set up, you are able to nab any grass pokemon from your deck and almost all your pokemons are grass types.
Vileplume also known as Gengar's best friend in the last format aka VILEGAR.
With the Poke-body Allergy Flower to block out trainer/items from being played. How this is good for the deck is,with liligant inflicting status condition on your opponent's pokemon, they will have no outs unless they retreat manually. Switches and Super Scoop Ups will be rendered when vileplume is out.
Vileplume is also a grass pokemon. This means that it can easily be searched out by Sunflora
Pokemon TechsSome of the possible techs for this deck would be;
Metapod HGSS - To help cancel out all the weaknesses of grass pokemons.
Leafeon UD/COL - With Liligant infliting conditions, leafeon can easily dish our 100 damage for a colourless.
These are not the only techs can be used. There are also other cards that can be teched in as well.
Pokemon 27 | T/S/S 22 | Energy 11 |
4-3 Yanmega Prime 3-3 Liligant EP 2-2 Sunflora 1-1 Metapod 3-2-3 Vileplume
| 4 Pokemon Collector
3 Twins
3 Copycat
2 Juniper
3 Judge 2 Pokemon Communication
2 Rare Candy | 8 Grass Energy 3 Rescue Energy |
Been trying this deck using REDSHARK. You guys try it out and experiment with it. With this deck you can lock the opponent in a few ways. It can hit hard or snipe the bench and lock trainers also.
So give it a try it, it might suprise you :D
Thanks for reading my article and look forward to another one of my post this week